Herausforderung und Chance


24. / 25. JUNI 2009, BONN

Programme / Documentation

Conference Day 1 # Wednesday, 24 June 2009

1.00 p.m.




2.00 p.m.


Detlef Lingemann
President of the Central Commission for the Navigation
of the Rhine

Climate change and economic crisis - a double challenge for the spatial economy of the Rhine region
Heinrich Tiemann
Secretary of State to the Federal Foreign Office

Climate change as a task facing European transport policymakers
Jack Short
Secretary General of the International
Transport Forum

Climate change as an economic challenge download (de)
- Dr. Reimund Göbel
Member of the Board of Directors of ThyssenKrupp Steel AG
- Jean-François Dalaise
President of the Autonomous Port of Paris

The significance of climate change for nature protection in river areas
Prof. Dr. Emil Dister
Institute for water and water development / WWF-Auen Institute at the University of Karlsruhe (TH)


3.30 p.m.


Coffee break


4.00 p.m.


Effects of climate change on the Rhine – principles and analyses

  • The KLIWAS research programme – aims and interim results for the Rhine  download (de)
    Dr. Hans Moser
    German federal authority for hydrography
  • The ‘Rheinblick 2050’ project  download (de)
    Dr. Klaus Görgen
    International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Area
  • Changes in the climate of the Rhine catchment area – an analysis of the Member States download (fr)
    Jacques Sicherman
    President of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine
  • Risks and possible measures in the Rhine delta download (en)
    Prof. Dr. Marcel Stive
    Delft University of Technology

Detlef Lingemann
President of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine


7.30 p.m.


Evening event
opening address
Bernd Törkel
Head of the Waterways and Shipping Department at the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs


Conference Day 2 # Thursday, 25 June 2009

9.30 a.m.  

1. Infrastructure, operation and navigation conditions
Moderator: Eric van den Eede
President of PIANC
Impact of climate change on the navigation conditions on the Upper Rhine
Frédéric Doisy
Current Rhine conception and streamflow-related use download (de)
Michael Heinz
The future is not a threat download (en)
Dr. Huub Cramer
Possible impact of climate change on navigation conditions along the Rhine  download (de)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Söhngen
Impact of climate change on the high and low water conditions in Baden-Württemberg download (de)
Vassilis Kolokotronis
Conflicting demands of waterways and river habitats under the impact of climate change download (de)
Klaus Markgraf-Maué

2. Construction and technology of vessels
Moderator: Pieter Struijs
President of the Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart (CBRB)
Potential for the adaptation of the inland navigation fleet to changes in the water discharge download (en)
Henk Blaauw
Potential for hydrodynamical and other measures to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from inland navigation vessels download (de)
Joachim Zöllner
Potential for reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from inland navigation vessel engines download (de)
Dr Thorsten Kuhn
Practical experience with the adaptation of the inland navigation fleet to changes in the water discharge and with the reduction of fuel consumption download (en)
Robert Tiemann

3. Market and logistics chain
Moderator: Rainer Schäfer
President of Bundesverband Öffentlicher Binnenhäfen e.V. (BÖB)
What does the future hold for coal in continental Europe?  download (en)
Dr Wolfgang Ritschel
New sources of energy – opportunities for inland waterways  download (de)
Dr Norbert Kriedel
Main ports and inland navigation – the environmental potential  download (en)
Greet Bernaers, Guido van Meel
Main port and hinterland – the concept of the “extended gateway”  download (en)
Jos Th. Helmer
Free access and reliability – the keys to the success of the inland port  download (en)
Hans-Peter Hadorn
Container market – the end of growth?  download (de)
Cok Vinke
Leading-edge logistics – waterways transport and the chemical industry  download (de)
Wolfgang Seuser


12.30 p.m.




2.00 p.m.


Reports and conclusions of the workshops
1. Infrastructure, operation and navigation conditions

Heinz-Josef Joeris
President of Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Südwest
2. Vessel construction and technology
Bernhard Bieringer
Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
3. Market and logistics chain download (en)
Philip Maugé
Director for Development, VNF

Questions to the rapporteurs, discussion
Moderator: Detlef Lingemann
President of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine

The results of the workshops from the viewpoint of the navigation profession, its users, environment associations and political circles

  • Karla Peijs
    European Coordinator for Inland Waterways
  • Hans-Joachim Welsch
    Einkaufsgesellschaft der Dillinger Hütte und Saarstahl mbH
  • Dr. Gunther Jaegers
    President of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschifffahrt e. V. (BDB)
  • Olaf Tschimpke
    President of the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) e.V.
  • Theo van de Gazelle download (nl)
    Deputy General Director of Rijkswaterstaat

4.30 p.m.


Summing up of the CCNR 2009 Congress  download (de)
Jean-Marie Woehrling
Secretary General of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine

Concluding address
Detlef Lingemann
President of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine

Subject to alteration.

